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Clube das Repúblicas Mortas

Clube das Repúblicas Mortas


Um livro para o BCP, o outro

Henrique Raposo


Parece que o Bloco Comunista Português (BE e PCP) quer unir forças. Acho que sim, acho que estalinistas e trotskistas deviam fazer as pazes aqui em Portugal. Estou certo que a Esquerda ficará eternamente grata a Portugal. Porque, de facto, há muito ódio para perdoar:



"The main victims of Communist terror - unlike Anarchist terror it was not mass terror aimed at the liquidation of an evil class but police terror aimed at political dissidents - were the P.O.U.M. The P.O.U.M. was a non-communist Marxist group, disowned by Trotsky. its members were nevertheless regarded by orthodox Communists as heretics to be eliminated. Its mere existence  (...) were intolerable to the Communists, if only because its paper La Batalla relentlessly exposed the brutalities of Stalinist Russia. The P.O.U.M. was divided from the C.N.T. by its belief in the workers' state and in the necessity of political power; from the Socialist and Republican parties it was distinguished by its refusal to accept the fiction of an 'Anti-Fascist Front' of workers and bourgeois parties. The Popular Front was not a proletation governement; it was a betrayal of the workers's revolution. The Communists could therefore present the P.O.U.M. as a discordant element which must be destroyed in order to save a united war effort directed by a democratic government" 



PS: caramba, uma descrição da frente popular da guerra civil espanhola ainda nos ajuda a compreender boa parte dos ódios que existem dentro das esquerdas portuguesas em 2011. A esquerda portuguesa é mesmo a mais retrógrada do Ocidente.

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